Explore independence

Who We Are

About Us

A Compassionate haven

Explore Independence is a supported accommodation project with various accommodations in most locations in London Boroughs. We provide accommodation and support services for young people subject to The Supported Accommodation (England) Regulations 2023 and any subsequent amended Acts.

Some of the young people placed with us may have been socially isolated, experiencing family break down or the aftermath of difficulties arising from previous careers.  Bearing that in mind, we at Explore Independence are specialist in empowering young people and working with other professionals in enabling young people to acquire the necessary skills in order to live independently in the community.

Success Rate
0 %
Young person Care
0 +
Years of Experience
0 +
Professional Staff
0 +

To provide Emergency and Planned medium to long-term supported accommodation for Looked After Children under the care of Social Services. We are committed to providing quality accommodation and support in an environment where children are treated with respect and dignity, within appropriate boundaries. We want young people to feel they belong and know that regardless of past or present negative experiences in their lives they are capable and deserving of achieving in all areas. We aim to empower young people and work with other professionals to enable young people to acquire the necessary life skills in preparation for a successful adult lives. We set realistic but achievable goals and expectations that help build self- esteem and confidence.

Vision, Ethos & Philosophy

We are committed to enabling young people with lived experienced such as psychological trauma through childhood events to achieve better outcomes by providing a person centred placement that enhances, facilitates and supports post trauma recovery and meets the young person’s developmental needs and opportunity to develop life skills for independent living. Our team strive to be positive role models and provide appropriate boundaries for young people. We work in partnership with other stakeholders and multi agencies across the Children’s service, Health, Education and other agencies, to meet the needs of the young people in our placements

Who do we provide our services for?

Explore Independence has experience in providing services to young people such as:

Our Core Values

We are Solution driven

Hence focusing on what matters rather than what is the matter, with genuine care and commitment to resolve issues as quickly as possible

Person Centred

Being supportive and putting young people at the centre of what we do underpin by cooperative, open and honest relationships.


Building a culture of trust, transparency, stability, and continuous improvement.

Comprehensive care at explore independence

Navigating User Involvement, Crisis Intervention, Admission, Accommodation and Consultation at Explore Independence.

24/7 Support

We are dedicated to maintaining quality accommodation

Explore Independence has a building and location risk assessment that is reviewed on an annual basis. Any risks that are identified are minimised as much as possible. Explore Independence has fire alarm system and fire equipment such as fire extinguishers and fire blankets etc. that are tested and serviced regularly, and any maintenance carried out as quickly as possible. Fire exits are clearly marked.

We currently have a total of four 24/7 Placement Units located at various parts of London.

Values that underpin our work

We ensure that:

  • Young People are safe.
  • Young people enjoy healthy and satisfying social, family & peer relationships.
  • Young people have a clear idea about their background and who they are and are supported with their expressed interest.
  • Young people’s social presentation reflects a healthy self-esteem.
  • We work in an anti-discriminatory way.
  • We foster an atmosphere of trust and respect.
  • Listening to and responding timely and appropriately to children’s anger, feelings of loss, disappointments, struggles, frustration and pain
  • We reinforce positive behaviour
  • We empathise towards young people’s struggles by understanding, but not excusing, inappropriate behaviour.
  • We are curious by not being afraid to say no, we make time to find information from young people (time to be curious), we are open to insightful and opinion of others, we ensure that we are present when working with young people and we listen without judgment.

The Targeted Outcome

We ensure that our work support young people to achieve positive difference in their personal, social, learning lives and in this way, improve their life chances whilst they are with us.

These positive developments (Targeted Outcome) will help the young   persons:

  • Recognise their uniqueness, worth and a sense of self.
  • Enhance their life and social skills.
  • Understand and show awareness of personal, social and health needs.
  • Skills to cope with their needs, emotionally and psychologically
  • Learn how to advocate for them.
  • Respect the dignity of those around them;
  • Embrace new experience as a positive opportunity.


Progressively, by benefiting from positive relationships, and by showing an acceptance of reasonable authority as well as commitment to learning, they will achieve life skills that will be valuable for them when they move on

Legislative Framework

Explore Independence operates within the legal framework and guidance relating to children, young people and vulnerable adults by using legislation which has shaped the safeguarding process, including the following.

  • The Supported Accommodation (England) Regulations 2023
  • Working together to Safeguard Children – A guide to interagency working to promote the welfare of Children (2018)
  • What to do if you are worried about a child (2006)
  • London Child Protection Procedures
  • The Children Act 1989 and 2004 (Guidance and Regulations)
  • The Human Rights Act 1998
  • The Protection of Children Act 1999,
  • Care Standards Act 2000,
  • The Care Act 2014
  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Care Act 2014
  • The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (1974),
  • GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018
  • Information sharing advice for practitioners 2018
  • The Protection of Vulnerable Adults (POVA) scheme
  • Every Child Matters
  • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • The young person’s guide to the Children and Families Act 2014
  • Children and Social Work Act 2017
  • Child Protection Procedures 5th Edition